1. 真想不到在这儿见到你!
Fancy meeting you here!
2. 关于分部的事我想和你好好谈谈。
I want to discuss the sub-department problem with you.
3. 我们希望安排在6月2号。
We would like to meet with you on June 2nd.
4. 恐怕不得不改期。
I’m afraid the appointment will have to be rescheduled.
5. 我是华夏粮油食品公司的。
I am from Huaxia Cereal Food Company.

6. 我能问你一个问题吗?
May I ask you a question?
7. 不过恐怕周六不行。
I’m afraid I can’t be available on Saturday.
8. 欢迎诸位来到我们工厂。
Welcome to our factory.
9. 我有一件小礼品要送给你。
Here is a little gift for you.
10. 航班延误几小时。
The flight was delayed several hours.
11. 衷心祝贺贵国国庆!
My sincere congratulations on your National Day!
12. 我无法忍受她的傲慢。
I can’t stand her arrogance.
13. 很抱歉。
I feel sorry.
Thank you for informing me of the bad credit of the company.
15. 恐怕我得走了。
I’m afraid that I have to go.
A:Morning, Bob. Fancy meeting you here!
B:Morning, Jenny. Haven’t seen you for ages!
Glad to meet you here. 很高兴在这里见到你。
Good to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。
How nice to see you again. 真高兴又见到你了。
I’m glad/happy/pleased to meet you, Mr. Smith. 很高兴见到您,史密斯先生。
It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Tom.很高兴见到您,汤姆先生。
A:I want to discuss the sub-department problem with you. If possible, can you
tell me when you will be available?关于分部的事我想和你好好谈谈。不
B:How about next Tuesday?I am quite busy this week. 下个星期二怎么样呢?这周我很忙。
Could we get together and discussit a little more?我们能不能聚在一起,再讨论一下这件事?
Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail?我们能不能碰个面,再讨论一下这件事的细节?
I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet at your earliest convenience. 如果方便的话,我们能否尽早和您见面?
Could I see you sometime this week?我能不能在这个星期的某个时候见见您?
A:We would like to meet with you on June 2nd. Is that all right with you?我们希望安排在6月2日与您见面。您方便吗?
B:June 2nd is fine with me. 6月2日我没有问题。
What time would be convenient foryou?您什么时间方便呢?
When can we meetto talk?我们什么时候可以见面谈一谈?
1.pleasure 高兴
2.discuss 讨论
3.be convenient for 对……方便
4.meet 见面
Please call onme anytime that suits you. 请在任何您方便的时候来找我。
A:Good morning. Textile Import & Export Company. 早晨好,纺织品进出口公司。
B:Hello, this is Jack. I’m calling about the appointment with Mr. Zhang thisafternoon. Something has just come up. I’m afraid the appointment will have
to be rescheduled. I’m very sorry about the change. 您好,我是杰克。是
I’m afraid I’ll have to postponeour appointment. 恐怕我必须将我们的约会延期。
We’ve decided to put it off 我们决定推迟约会。
We’ll have to make it some other time. Is that all right?我们不得不另约时间,您看行吗?Would you like to reschedulethe appointment? 您想重新约个时间吗?
A:I am from Huaxia Cereal Food Company. I am Wang Jun. This is my
business card. How do you do?我是华夏粮油食品公司的,我叫王军。这
B:How do you do?But, what can I do for you?您好。请问您有什么事?
Hi, my name is John, Vice President of United Public Relations.
May I have your name?请问您怎么称呼?
May I introducemyself?我能自我介绍一下吗?
Allow me to make a brief introduction of myself. 请允许我简短地介绍一下自己。
It is with great pleasure to introduce Mr. Stanley Young to you, Assistant Manager ofGeneral Electric. 我很高兴向诸位介绍通用电器公司副经理,斯坦利·杨先生。
A:Excuse me;may I ask you a question?对不起,我能问你一个问题吗?
B:Sure. What is it?当然可以。什么问题?
Would you do me a favor?请帮我个忙,行吗?
1.call on 拜访
2.postpone 推迟
3.put sth. off 推迟……
4.reschedule 重约
5.introduce 介绍
6.do sb. a favor 帮某人忙
I’m sorry to botheryou, but may I use your telephone?对不起,打扰了,我能用一下你的电话吗?Help me dishup the dinner, will you, please? 请帮我上菜,好吗?
Do you mindif I make a call to Guangzhou?我往广州打个电话,您不介意吧?
I beg your pardon?请再说一遍,好吗?
A:We’re having some friends round for a party next Saturday, Paul. We’d be very glad ifyou could come. 保罗,我们下周六请一些朋友来家里聚会。如果你能来,我们会非常高兴的。
B:Well, that’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid I can’t be available on Saturday. I’ve gotsomething else on. 哦,你请我去太好了。不过恐怕周六不行,我有其他事儿要做。
I’m afraid I’ve already promisedto meet Jeremiah this evening. But thank you all thesame. 我已经答应今晚同杰里迈亚见面了。不过我还是要谢谢你。
Thank you very much for asking me, but I feel rather tired. 谢谢你邀请我,不过我感觉很累。
Unfortunately, I’ll have to attend a conference that day. 不凑巧,那天我得出席一个会议。
A:Welcome to our factory. My name is Jianghai and I’ll show you around here.欢迎诸位来到我们工厂。我叫江海,由我来带大家参观
First we’ll take a look at the workshop which produces food thermometers.首先,我们去看生产食品温度计的车间。
B:Has all the work done by men been replaced by automatic computers?手工操作全部变成计算机自动控制了吗?
Let me take you around the factory. 让我带您到工厂四处看看。
I hope you found the trip informative. 希望您会觉得此次参观很有收获。
What did you think ofour factory?您认为我们的工厂怎么样?
Having seen the showroom and our factory, what’s your overall impression?您已经看了我们的陈列室和工厂,总的印象如何?
I was impressed very much with them. 它们给我留下了很深的印象。
A:It’s very kind of you to say so, but really, I don’t think I have done enough.
B:Oh, you’ve done an excellent job. Here is a little gift for you and I hope you’lllike it. 哦,你做得很出色。我有一件小礼品要送给你,希望你能喜欢。
John, I present this gift as a tokenof our appreciation for what you’ve done for us. 约翰,我用这个礼物作为象征,对你为我们所做的一切表示感谢。
I just did what I should have done. 我只是做了分内该做的事。
Mr. Smith, here is a little gift from our corporation for you as a token of ourfriendship too. 史密斯先生,我这也有一个我们公司送给您的小礼物,让它作为我们友谊的象征吧。
I really appreciate your thoughtful gift and I will always treasureit. 真诚感谢您赠送这么好的礼物,我将永远珍藏它。
A:Did you have a good flight?您旅途愉快吗?
B:Not bad. There was a dense fog in London, so the flight was delayed forseveral hours. 还好。由于伦敦大雾,导致航班延误了几小时。
The storm held up our flight for 40 minutes. 暴风雨使我们的航班延误了40分钟。
Harbin to Shenyang flights were delayed for up to 3 hours. 哈尔滨至沈阳航班延误时间长达3小时。
Bin battles can delay flights and leave customers frustrated行李箱之争会导致航班延误,让乘客不满。
A:My sincere congratulations on your National Day!May your people enjoyprosperity! 衷心祝贺贵国国庆!祝贵国人民生活富足!
B:Thank you. And I hope the friendly relations between our two companies willcontinue to develop. 谢谢,希望我们两公司的友好关系能继续发展。
I sincerely would like to express my congratulations to China for hosting theOlympic Games. 我对中国举办奥运会表示衷心祝贺。
I congratulateyou wholeheartedly for your blissful marriage. 我衷心祝贺你们婚姻幸福。
Allow me to congratulate you on your anniversary. 让我祝贺你们的周年纪念日。
The very best of luck with you. 祝你顺利。
Please give my best wishes toyour parents. 请代我向你的父母致意。
The very best of luck in your business. 祝你事业顺利。
A:I can’t stand her arrogance. She looks down upon everybody. 我无法忍受她的傲慢。她谁都瞧不起。
B:Maybe it’s her nature. 也许这是她的本性。
That really is the limit!简直忍无可忍了!
I can’t standit any more. 我再也不能忍受了。
How dare you speak to me like that!你竟敢这样对我说话!
How could you be so rude?你怎么可以这么粗鲁呢?
A:I feel sorry, but I’ve just broken your ashtray. 很抱歉,我把你的烟灰缸给
B:It’s nothing to get upset. 没什么好抱歉的。
I feel sorry indeed. 真的对不起。
I do beg your pardon. 真的对不起。
I’m awfully sorry about it. I assure you it won’t happen again. 对这件事我很抱歉,
Sorry for being late. 对不起,迟到了。
I assure you it was not deliberate .请相信我,这不是故意的。
There’s no reason to apologize forsuch a trifle thing. 没有理由为这么一桩小事而道歉。
2.give one’s best wishes to… 向……表达祝愿
A:Thank you for informing me of the bad credit of the company. 谢谢你告诉我那家公司信誉不良。
I’m much obligedto you. 我非常感谢您。
I’m very grateful to you. 我真的非常感谢您。
I really don’t know how I can thank you enough. 我真不知道怎样谢您才好。
Thank you for your kindness. 谢谢您的好意。
You are very helpful. 您真帮了我的大忙。
I do appreciate your timely help. 非常感谢您的及时帮助。
A:I’m afraid that I have to go now. 恐怕我得走了。
B:Can’t you delay your return a little bit?你就不能晚点儿再回去吗?
It’s timewe were off. 我们该走了。
I’m afraid I’ve got to go now. 恐怕我现在该走了。
I think it’s about time I was off. 我想我差不多该走了。
Well, I must be going now. 嗯,我现在必须走了。
Well, I guess I have to be going. 哦,我想我得走了。
I must be running along. 我必须走了。场景词汇: